Grow Podcast
This is CDM’s GROW Resources: Children’s Ministry with Purpose. CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connection. We want to connect you with people and resources to strengthen your ministry to children. You are not alone. We want to help you remember that you are a part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.
Covenant Baptism
Dr. Bryan Chapell is the Stated Clerk for the PCA's Administrative Committee Covenant Baptism Sacraments are God’s gifts to His covenant people. They are physical pictures that serve as a promise and [...]
Teaching the Bible at Home To Kids with Unique Learning Differences
Ashley Belknap is the Director of Engaging Disability With The Gospel, a ministry of the PCA's Mission to North America Teaching the Bible at Home To Kids with Unique Learning Differences Many [...]
Understanding and Reaching the Whole Child
Laney Stayton is the Children's Ministry Director at North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN Understanding and Reaching the Whole Child In the craziness of Sunday morning, it's easy to view children in a [...]
Family Worship
Burress McCombe is the Pastor of Worship at Covenant Presbyterian in Harrisonburg, VA Family Worship This video is for those who struggle to get a handle on how to do family worship, for [...]
If You Build it
Sue Jakes is the Children's Ministry Coordinator for the PCA's Discipleship Ministries If You Build It: The Necessity of a Local Church Children's Ministry Team What should every Children’s Ministry Team include? [...]
Modeling the Message
Lisa Updike is the Director of Children’s Ministries at Covenant in Harrisonburg, VA Modeling the Message of the Gospel To Our Littlest Handout It can be tempting to underestimate the significance of our [...]