The next virtual conference will be live-streamed on August 8-9, 2025.
Also, There is still time to sign up for Grow Virtual 2024.
The content will be available until January 2025.

The next virtual conference will be live-streamed on August 8-9, 2025.
Also, There is still time to sign up for Grow Virtual 2024.
The content will be available until January 2025.
“ His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the
knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.” — 2 Peter 1:3
Where is our focus?
Gaining perspective on our mission to disciple children.
You can participate live or at your own convenience by listening to the livestream, keynotes, and workshops.
(The Conference recordings will be available through January 2025.)
New this year! There will be interactive workshop offerings in late September and early October. Workshop presenters will offer a live zoom offering for their workshops where you will get to connect with others, hear extra ideas, and practice a skill yourself. The times and links for each workshop will be sent in an email in mid-September for all participants.
Registration is Open!
Click on the box below based on size of your group
Conference Schedule (Eastern Time)
Friday, August 2, 2024
7:00-7:15 pm – Introduction, Giveaways
7:15-7:45 pm – Session 1: Where Is God’s Power in My Ministry? (Andrew Park)
7:45-8:15 pm – Questions & Answers, closing remarks, prayer
Saturday, August 3, 2024
10:00-10:15 am – Introduction, Giveaways
10:15-10:45 am – Session 2: What is the Goal of God’s Work in Me? (Stephen Estock)
10:45-11 am – Break, Giveaways
11-11:30 am – Session 3: What Sustains and Strengthens Me in Ministry? (Andrew Park)
Followed by closing remarks and prayer
Plenary Speakers:
Pastor Andrew Park is the Lead Pastor at Living Faith. He was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. He moved to Los Angeles for college, graduating from UCLA in 1998. After two years of working, he studied at Westminster Seminary California where he received his Master of Divinity degree. He also received a Doctorate of Ministry from Western Seminary in 2023. Pastor Andrew is an ordained minister in the PCA.
Dr. Stephen Estock is Coordinator for the PCA Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM). A former USAF officer, he has been in pastoral ministry for almost 30 years, serving churches in Montgomery, AL and St. Louis, MO. Stephen has also been an adjunct professor at several seminaries, including Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis and Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. His Ph.D. is in education, with an emphasis on competency-based learning and leadership training. He and his wife, Susan, have three children and live in Atlanta, GA.
Outreach Strategies & Ideas (Jeanette Simpson)
Are you looking for creative ideas and ways to invite people to your church and to hear the Gospel? We will discuss creative ideas, strategies, and tips for you to help equip your families to invite people to church as well as some practical ways to interact with your community.
Telling All of God’s Story (Laney Stayton and Katie Flores)
As we are sharing God’s story to children, we must keep them engaged while staying true to God’s Word…all while keeping the biblical narrative in mind. This workshop will help you grow in both areas of storytelling so you can be better equipped to share the mighty deeds of the Lord.
Taking Child Protection Off the Back-burner (Dana Russell and Saralyn Tyler)
Encouraging and promoting safety in ministry can sometimes take a backseat to other priorities, especially if we don’t know where to start. Join us as we delve into the details of establishing and sustaining safe practices at your church and how to overcome common misperceptions. We’ll also share ideas for using space creatively to foster a safe environment for children and adults.
Is Anybody Listening? Tips on Classroom Management (Lisa Updike)
You signed up to teach because you love God’s Word and you love children. But, oh, my! You may have forgotten that some children can be a little, shall we say, challenging? In this workshop we will explore what’s behind some of their inappropriate behavior and offer you a few tools of the trade for managing your classroom, making your room a place of joyful learning!
Engaging Preschool Hearts: A Firm Foundation (Katie Flores and Ellen Chandlee)
This workshop explores discipleship methods and processes designed to help young children thrive and learn within the church community and at home. Join us as we discuss engaging strategies that encourage fellowship with others and spiritual growth. We will think together about how to create an environment that starts children on a meaningful journey of discipleship from their preschool years and beyond.
Covenant Characteristics Through the Eyes of a Child (Sherry Kendrick)
Does it really matter whether a children’s ministry is based on a covenant model? Yes! Covenant children have a special place within the church. They are to be taught that they are members of God’s covenant family that they have responsibilities within that family and that the family of God has responsibilities concerning them. The covenant of grace is what we believe, so the nature of the covenant must determine what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. One way to think covenantally about children’s ministry is to consider some of the characteristics of the covenant. Covenantal ministry is an expression of Covenant Theology, so these characteristics should guide us as we live our lives and as we craft our ministries. Using a new training tool recently developed on this topic, we will learn about the characteristics of the Covenant and how they apply to our children’s ministries.
Teaching Our Children Catechism (B.A. Snider)
The foundation for our children’s theology is the Bible. First Catechism summarizes biblical truths in simple questions and answers and is based on Westminster Shorter Catechism. When we teach our children at an age when memorization is second nature, theology becomes the framework for all of their Bible stories to hang on. This breakout will discuss why we teach catechism as well as creative ideas for implementing a catechism program in your church.
Ways to Use Grow Virtual
- “What if I can’t participate live?” If you watch by September 15, you can email your answers to the questions asked to Kathy Wargo (kwargo@pcanet.org). All of the shared ideas will get gathered to be emailed to everyone who has signed up for Grow Virtual in late September. These ideas may just arrive right when you need them. Anyone who emails an idea will be entered in additional giveaways to be announced by email in mid-September.
- Invite teachers, parents, volunteers, and possible volunteers to a church-wide training weekend. Serve dinner, breakfast, and lunch (one or more), spend some time with your own church’s policies and procedures training, and then tune in to these three sessions for resources, encouragement, and how to’s for making disciples. Live MC’s will guide everyone through the main sessions and will include resource giveaways.
- Invite a smaller group into a home for a more intimate setting on Friday evening for dinner and join in the session together for training. Everyone can watch from home on Saturday morning, or you can gather at the church or in home again.
- Send the link to all church members, encourage Friday evening viewing, come together on Saturday morning to discuss at breakfast, and view the rest together.
- Schedule live training using these videos throughout the fall as a continuing education program for parents and volunteers.
- Send links for individuals to watch on their own and have breakfast, lunch or coffee to discuss the topic(s) that have been viewed.
- Post the links to these videos on the church website or in the bulletin as you train your entire congregation to consider and become involved in the direct discipleship of children.
Includes access to a portion of our library of workshops from previous Grow Conferences, including:
- How to Enfold Kids with Unique Needs into Worship – Ashley Belknap
- Helping Families Gain a Vision for Family Worship – Dustin and Bethany Belue
- Creating a Classroom Experience that Invites Children to Draw Near to Jesus – Laura Tucker and Kimper Thomas
- Using the Teach Me to Worship Curriculum: Worshipping the Shepherd (Laura Tucker and Laney Stayton)
- Preparing your Elementary Lesson: Pointing to the Best Shepherd (Sue Jakes)
- Classroom Management: Corralling the Sheep (Jimmy Brock)