Grow Podcast
This is CDM’s GROW Resources: Children’s Ministry with Purpose. CDM’s mission is to strengthen the Church through connection. We want to connect you with people and resources to strengthen your ministry to children. You are not alone. We want to help you remember that you are a part of God’s covenant community and your investment in the little ones really does matter to God.
E7: Sharing God’s Love with Sherry Kendrick
What is the heart of your ministry to children? How important is compassion in your interactions with children? Join Sherry Kendrick, another member of CDM's Childrens' Ministry Team, to talk about how God's [...]
E8: Engaging Families with Disabilities with John Kwasny
How does your church overcome the obstacles many families face to be a part of community? Join John Kwasny, another member of CDM's Children's Ministry Team, as he shares about engaging families with [...]
E9: VBS with Lisa Updike
VBS can be a great opportunity to reach out into your community, to develop your student leaders, and to connect the many generations of your church, but should everyone do VBS? Lisa Updike [...]
E4: Music Makes a Difference with Lisa Updike
Can music be more than fun? Does the music we sing really make a difference? Join Lisa Updike again, as she shares about the importance of music in teaching the little ones [...]
E3: All Children are Welcome with Lisa Updike
Is your church an inviting place? How do you make every child feel welcome, accepted, and even wanted? Join Lisa Updike, a member of CDM's Children's Ministry Team, as she shares about [...]
E2: Bringing Parents on Board with Sue Jakes
Leading, assisting and including parents in the discipleship of their children requires a plan and some consistent practices in your church’s children’s ministry. On this episode, Sue Jakes, CDM's Children's Ministry Coordinator, talks [...]